We extend connectivity in some of the most challenging operations in the world.

Why the goTenna Pro X Series?

Total team awareness
in any situation.

We develop & deliver innovative communication technology & solutions for people who keep us safe. The goTenna Pro X Series equips every team and every operator, at all levels, with fully off-grid mesh networking capabilities so they can stay agile and informed throughout the entire mission. Our radio devices and paired mobile apps create ad hoc, peer-to-peer networks that operate independently of cell, wifi, and satellite systems — but are built to augment your agency’s existing communications stack.

Product Carousel

Location Tracking

View precise GPS information for personnel and vehicles.

Pro X2

Equip every operator with tactical-grade mesh networking communications.

View Pro X2

goKit 2

Set up and off-grid communications network for your entire team at a moment's notice.

View goKit 2


This ad hoc infrastructure support node covers two goTenna mesh networks persistently.

View EdgeRelay

An overview of goTenna’s mesh networking capabilities.

“Something that’s tangible, tactile, and tactical. I knew from my military service there’s a gap. It just makes things easy.”

- Michael M. Smith

An overview of goTenna’s mesh networking capabilities.

“Something that’s tangible, tactile, and tactical. I knew from my military service there’s a gap. It just makes things easy.”

- Michael M. Smith

Redefining the tactical communications edge.

Our Aspen Grove™ mesh networking protocols are designed to meet the demands of complex operating environments.

Develop with us
Learn more about Aspen Grove

Mesh networking technology has existed for decades — but most industry standards prioritize high bitrate over range. In off-grid environments, goTenna’s low capacity networks can scale more efficiently and more cost-effectively, extending multi-hop, peer-to-peer connectivity even further off the grid.

Platform design principles

  • Low-Cost
    Lightweight, inexpensive devices lower traditional barriers for entry.
  • Low-Power
    Efficient transmissions extend device battery life for lasting mobility.
  • Long Range
    Novel zero-control-packet routing maximizes network scalability.
  • Easy to use
    Paired mobile apps provide familiar interfaces and computing capacity.
  • Secure
    End-to-end PKI encryption
  • Programmable
    Out-of-the-box developer tools enable seamless integrations and new applications.

Built for Integration

goTenna Pro integrates into your team’s existing communications equipment load.

In the field

Emergency Management
Satellite view of hurricane
Case Study
HARP Rescue connects Hurricane Dorian recovery team using goTenna Pro after island-wide destruction
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Freefall operator jumping from plane
Case Study
Complete Parachute Solutions Conducts Military Freefall Training with goTenna Pro X + ATAK
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Wildland Firefighting
Case Study
Colorado’s Hand Crews Ensure Accountability and Safety with goTenna Pro X + ATAK
Read More
Wildland Firefighting
Case Study
Colorado’s Helitack Crews Use goTenna Pro X + ATAK to Track Ground Team Locations
Read More

Press Block

Quote from “If I’m working the command-and-control node, now I don’t even have to talk to that guy or gal that’s on the edge. I can see their little blue dot and they can shoot me a text message that says ‘Hey, I need a helicopter.’"

Quote from Border Security Report“These radios provided the core of what was needed — situational awareness — and provided it at a radically lower size, weight, power, and cost than anything else around.”

Quote from Soldier Systems“Smaller, lighter, and cheaper than any other tactical comms system.”


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